Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers



Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers is an adventure video game developed by TNS Co., Ltd. and Infinite Ventures and released for the Nintendo 64 in 1999. It is a sequel to the original Shadowgate.

Shadowgate 64 has the same first-person view of the first game, though this time the static screens of the original were replaced by full 3D roaming similar to that of first-person shooters. Despite the graphical changes, the core game is similar: the game relies mostly on solving puzzles and riddles rather than fighting enemies. The warden and dwarf-like guards are the only enemies to be found, and they have to be avoided. There are many instances in which Del can die, such as a fall from a moderate height or dropping into deep water. The player must find ways around everything through interaction with the environment.

Unlike the extensive menu-based actions of the first game, Shadowgate 64 simplifies most of these actions down to two buttons: one acts as a generic action command, while the other serves to use items.

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