Tales of Symphonia is a Japanese role-playing game localized and released in North America on July 13, 2004. It was published by Namco and is the fifth core product of the Tales series.
The game takes place in a fictional world called Sylvarant and follows Lloyd Irving. Lloyd accompanies his childhood friend, Colette Brunel, who is destined to go on a journey to save their world. As their journey progresses, they learn that saving Sylvarant endangers Tethe'alla, a world parallel to their own. The game's central theme is an "RPG that resonates with you".
The game's reception was generally positive with critics praising the gameplay but criticizing the plot.
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Reviews for Tales of Symphonia
John D.
Long and generic, but fun gameplay
Tales of Symphonia is a quality JRPG, with some really fun gameplay. The action-oriented, real-time combat is really engaging, and requires the player to make split second decisions lest they pay the ...