Deadly Arts



Deadly Arts is a fighting video game for the Nintendo 64 released in 1998. The story follows a series of fighters that have each received a mysterious letter to compete in a legendary contest, and about a champion that has disappeared.

The player can choose from one of the eight fighters in a match or "Duel" after beating the other seven characters and an identical version of themselves. There are two other opponents: Gouriki, a character wearing a cat mask and rope-like fairy wings, and Ohgami Reiji, the final boss that wears a large straw hat covering his eyes, and business suit. Reiji while fighting can change into one of two other characters: Hikari, an all-white humanoid with a third eye in his forehead, and Yami, a grey-skinned man with purple beard and long sideburns. The difficulty of the opponents can be changed from very easy up to expert, while the rounds and how long they last can also be manipulated. There is a Versus mode, for teaming up or one on one, as well as a create your own fighter option. Unlike most 3D fighting games such as Virtua Fighter and Tekken, players also receive points for how well they do, and the combination of moves they use. While creating their own characters, players can choose which type of body, height and such, then practice with the new characters in the training area to gain more moves.

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