Final Fantasy Legend II is a role-playing video game developed by Square Co. for the Game Boy handheld console as the second game of their SaGa series. The game was translated and released in North America in November 1991 by Square America Co, and again in 1998 by Sunsoft.
The game is set in a fantasy world where the player assumes the role of one of eight different characters of varying race and gender who leaves on a journey to find their lost father and discover the secret of "Magi", a substance created by the gods that holds powerful magic. Final Fantasy Legend II was largely well-received worldwide during its original release, with readers of Japanese magazine Famitsu voting it the 94th greatest game of all time in a 2006 poll.
In Final Fantasy Legend II, the player navigates a character throughout the game world with a party of up to four characters, exploring areas and interacting with non-player characters. Most of the game occurs in towns, castles, caves, and similar areas. To aid exploration on the field screen, Final Fantasy Legend II makes use of various signs within towns. Initially, the player is limited to the First World to explore,[10] and given access to later worlds as they progress through the game. Players can save their game anytime and anywhere when not in combat to the selected save slot for later playing.
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